Panther Credit Union

Open during lunch on all full days of school. Closed in summer
Established in 1996, Panther Credit Union (PCU) is Oswego High School’s on-campus student run credit union branch of Earthmover Credit Union. OHS students are given the opportunity to get real life working experience all the while teaching students the basic principles and practices of the financial institution industry. This program offers students an opportunity to learn, participate, and work with confidence alongside credit union professionals with the goal of leading students down the path to financial success.
Products & Services available to OHS students:
- Savings—Student Savings Accounts (OHS students can open a savings account without a parent as joint. Students 13-17 require a $10 minimum deposit, 18 & over require a $25 minimum deposit.)
- Student Checking and Debit ($10 initial deposit to open a checking account. Students under 18 are required to have a parent joint on checking accounts.)
- Low Rate Auto Loans (New & Used)
- VISA Platinum Cards ($1000 minimum, CoSigner may be required.)
- 24-Hour Access to Your Accounts Via:
- FREE Online Banking
- FREE Mobile App
- FREE Mobile Deposit
- FREE Member Audio Response System (MARS)—automated phone teller 630.844.9511
To learn more, stop by the PCU branch across from the cafeteria on full days of school during lunch hours.
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