
Welcome to the Science Department Website. Here you will find information about our courses, teachers, and expectations for student, as well as, helpful links to many of the resources used by our teachers throughout the year.
Below you will find our mission statement and a presentation of all our courses. More information can be found by clicking the Course Information link on the left side of the screen.
We believe that active engagement in curricula designed to explore natural and physical phenomena fosters growth in the ability to ask questions and seek answers. We believe the ability is critical to each student's educational and personal growth.
Below is a presentation created by the science teachers which provides information about our classes to supplement our course catalog. We encourage all students and their guardians to view this presentation prior to selecting courses for next year. More course information, including this presentation, is available on the Course Information Page linked to the left.
Program Information
The science department at Oswego High School believes that all students benefit from a diverse and rigorous science education. As a result we offer a variety of classes that are designed to not only meet the Next Generation Science Standards but also appeal to the many interests of our student body at each stage of the education. From Freshmen Biology to college level courses such as AP Chemistry and everything in between there is something for each student at OHS. Each of our classes are designed with a student-centered environment which will challenge and inspire them to think critically in order to explain the many natural phenomena that they will encounter throughout their lives.
If you have any questions about specific classes or placement for next year please do not hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher or the Science Department Chair
Additional Info & Links
Quia: Online Quiz Website
This website is used by many teachers to deliver online quizzes and review activities.
Khan Academy
This site provides video tutorials and practice quizzes on almost every science topic. Stuck on a homework problem, confused about a topic in class, or miss a day or two? Khan Academy can help you learn and is a great way to access information.