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What is the acceptable use policy (AUP)?
Each student, upon registering in a Community Unit School District 308 school, must sign the district's AUP. This document, officially called the Guidelines for Acceptable Use of the Computer Network System, states that the student agrees to use the school computer equipment and District 308 Chromebooks  for educational purposes only. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in disciplinary action.
How long can I check out a book?
Most books are checked out for three weeks.
What if I have an overdue book? 
Students are charged 10 cents per day in overdue fines.   
Can we borrow books from other schools? 
Yes, students and staff are able to search and borrow books from any LRC in the district as well as libraries from the Prairie Area Library System (PALS). See the LRC staff for assistance. 
How do I get a new ID?
The LRC staff can take ID pictures and print ID cards any time. The first ID is issued by the school at registration. There is a $5 charge for replacements. 
Do I need a pass to come to the LRC? Even during lunch?
Yes. Students need a pass any time they visit the LRC without a teacher. When teachers send a group of students to the LRC, they are asked to write a pass for each student if the students will be returning at different times. The students must turn their passes in to the circulation desk and sign in the pass log. This provides verification that the student did arrive and where in the facility he or she went. It also allows the LRC staff to have a record of which students are in the room in case of an emergency. When students are ready to leave the LRC to return to class, they must sign out, their pass will be signed, and their time of departure noted. 
Can I reset my login and password? 
Yes, Students can visit the Password Portal to reset their password. 
Can I print in color?
 Students using Chromebooks are able to choose Color when using the "Follow Me" option when printing. 
Can I make copies?
Students can make copies using their ID and the LRC copier.
Can I eat/drink in the LRC? 
When are the book fairs?
The LRC, in cooperation with the English Department, runs a book fair at the beginning of each semester at which students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own copies of the novels they will read in their English classes. Additional books will also be for sale during the fall fair.